Mind Body Spirit

Mind Body Spirit

Yoga With Cath Slomka

Every Friday morning you'll find a group of our members going through their stretches and poses with professional yoga instructor Cath.  But don't worry, it's not a high impact workout.  The sessions are aimed at beginners and some of the exercises incorporate a chair so you're not getting up and down off the ground!

Although the group is full at the moment, please let us know if you are interested and we can keep you in mind when new places become available.

Tai Chi with Angela Howarth

This ancient martial art has long been recognised for its positive effect on our physical health.  The slow, deliberate movement and flow helps with posture, circulation and blood  pressure..  The mental health benefits are highly valued by our members, who also appreciate the meditative quality and the feeling of stillness in a busy world.

At Kindred Minds Tai Chi is offered via Zoom.  Participants must complete some simple health screening, before joining in Angela's online sessions.  Angela is a highly regarded professional instructor.  You can find out more about her work by visiting her website here.

Peer  Support Group

Peer support is when people use their own experiences to help each other. There are different types of peer support, but they all aim to:

  • bring together people with shared experiences to support each other
  • provide a space where you feel accepted and understood
  • treat everyone's experiences as being equally important
  • involve both giving and receiving support.

Kindred Minds is hosting a weekly support meeting for people to share experiences and provide one another with support.  Meetings are in a safe, confidential space.  They are non-clinical, and non-professional.  They are facilitated by Andy Kerr to make sure everyone feels welcome and safe.

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